My Services

Individual Sessions

The Explorer

A single 60-minute session for those with a specific event to process, a short-term goal, or those curious about the process. It can also be used for a check-in from someone who has previously completed more in-depth EFT work.
Cost: $120

The Little Dipper

A package of three 60-minute sessions for those interested in addressing core beliefs, distress, the emotions related to minor physical ailment, or specific behavioral patterns holding them back.
Cost: $333

The Big Dipper

A package of six 60-minute sessions for those ready to journey to the soul center to release trauma, or possible ancestral patterns and open to the wisdom of their true creative self.
Cost: $600

The Comet

A package of nine 60-minute sessions for those ready to free themselves from current patterns of orbit- to blaze into new atmospheres and ways of being. The work will move through blocks or barriers and may focus on any specific creative goals or endeavors you want to bring forth in the world.
Cost: $810

The Expanding Universe

A package of twelve 60-minute sessions for those focusing on deep personal and spiritual growth. Moving through the center to self - past any painful events of the Earth-bound body - to the expanded experience of connection with the deep breath of timelessness. EFT and meditation techniques can change brain wave activity and open to a deep sense of oneness and sharpened awareness of your life purpose and even agreements across time and dimension. No spaceship is needed for this adventure!
Cost: $1010

*All individual sessions are completed remotely using Zoom video communications.

Current clients book now

If you are booking for the first time, please book the 20-minute free consultation.


Tapping Into Luminosity:
Writing the Luminous Poem

What is a luminous poem? It is lit from within and has an unexpected shift or movement. Two in-person class sessions- two hours each.
Details arriving soon.

Community Tapping Circle

Monthly Free 60-minute tapping circle focusing on stress reduction.
Details arriving soon.

EFT is a stress reduction technique. As a certified EFT practitioner, I have been trained in specific techniques to guide you through the process of accessing and releasing emotional or energy blocks. It is important that you understand that I do not medically diagnose or prescribe treatment. The information offered on this website is for informational purposes only and is not meant to provide or replace any medical treatment. You are responsible for your own health and wellbeing.