About Me

Why EFT with Nancy?

I have been told more than once, “you saved my life.” It was not a daring rescue on my part, but a gentle curiosity and presence, a belief in the person who had felt unheard, and the willingness to hold a soft gaze. Though my educational background includes a master’s degree in counseling and certifications in substance abuse counseling and motivational interviewing (a technique to help people move toward motivation and change), I intentionally approach clinical EFT with a focus on personal growth rather than on what is wrong with you (diagnosis and treatment). I invest in the human capacity for change and the opening to our true creative selves for our own sake and the sake of all life on earth.

I grew up hearing from family members, “you are too sensitive.” I now understand the gift of this painful family legacy. My heart was open to all living things, and my eyes and hands were wide open. It was a childhood with thousands of lessons in compassion, and a journey with a closely held flame through stormy darkness. My healing journey using EFT, energy work, spiritual journey work, and meditation has freed me from these painful generational patterns. I am unbound from this wounded past and now experience true creative freedom. The flame no longer needs to be so closely protected, and I gladly share it with you.

I have found the fortune of being trusted and entrusted with gently holding authentic emotions and broken secrets. I have come to understand the freedom behind the secret and the energic flow of creativity and love that rushes forward with this release. My intention is for you to know – like the sun, your true self is always shining.

Contact me for a free 20-minute consultation. I look forward to hearing from you!

EFT is a stress reduction technique. As a certified EFT practitioner, I have been trained in specific techniques to guide you through the process of accessing and releasing emotional or energy blocks. It is important that you understand that I do not medically diagnose or prescribe treatment. The information offered on this website is for informational purposes only and is not meant to provide or replace any medical treatment. You are responsible for your own health and wellbeing.